We couldn't wait another day - so here's this months blog hop a day early. Enjoy!
The designers and creative team from the Cottage have a great spring collection for you this month. Just follow the links listed below to collect all the goodies.
Also, consider checking out the great challenges at the Cottage. There is a posting bonus for each challenge completed. These posting bonuses are all color coordinated so you could end up with a very large kit. And the colors for April are beautiful.
I have some ready made pages and tags for you. First is the preview for the pages made from KCDesigns April Blog Hop freebie. The second preview is pages made from Mitsybelle’s April Blog Hop freebie.

Here’s the download link for the second preview:
Here are the links to follow to collect all of April’s gifts from the Cottage:
Stellarific Creations:http://stellarificcreations.blogspot.com/
Scrapbooking In Australia:http://scrapbookinginaustralia.blogspot.com/
Cottage Scrapbooks blog:http://cottagescrapbooks.blogspot.com/
The Cottage Creatives:http://creatives4cottagescrapbooks.blogspot.com/
Stella's other blog:http://creativebystella.blogspot.com/
Stella's Cottage Blog ~ Meeting Place:http://cottagescrapbooks.com/forum/blog.php?u=4
Jean Ann:http://jacksscraps.blogspot.com/ - you are here
TY so ever much!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for sharing your lovely contribution to the train. Hugs --xoxo!! (terri - hawaii)
Welcome Aboard The Mitsybelle CT Team!!!!!
I am so excited you have joined in.
Luvin All Your LOs
ILike to welcome you to mITSYBELLE's design team. I was the newest member but now you are the rookie.lol! can't wait to see your layouts. Diana(Amberpony) and I talk alot, but I Haven't really met the others. I leave comments for their work, but Diana and Jeannette are the only ones that leave me love , but as Diana said in her email, you are a big love giver. Don't you just love Jeannette's kits. they are so classy. they really make my layouts better. take care.
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