Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Daily News created by Silvia Romeo

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Handed down story that I found proof for.  I was always told that my Great Great Grandfather Pierre Bolduc made lots of money by bootlegging.  I decided I needed to prove this, well lo and behold in the local newspaper I found the following article. Yes, he was a bootlegger!

Published Waterville Morning Sentinel 28 Mar 1904
A Large Seizure at the Exchange Hotel Officers Find Many Quarts of Whiskey and Beer
Proprietor Appeals from Sentence  and Furnishes Bonds.
     On complaint of City Marshal Plaisted, a warrant was issued against the Exchange Hotel on Front Street, Saturday, and a squad of officers made a thorough search of the premises, succeeding in finding 25 pint bottles  and a two-gallon jug of whiskey, a case of beer and some bock beer.
     Pierre Bolduc, the proprietor of the place, was arraigned before Judge Shaw in the Municipal Court and was represented by Fred W. Clair. Trial was waived and he was given a sentence of $100 and costs and 60 days in jail in addition thereto.  He appealed and gave bonds for his appearance at the April term of the Superior Court.
     Marshal Plaisted was assisted in the raid by Deputy sheriff Colby Getchell and Officer Charles Butler of this city and Deputy Sheriffs Fish of Hallowell and Tyler of Augusta.  The affair was well managed and no hint was evidently given of the coming of the officers.  The squad was large enough to spread all through the building and to complete a pretty thorough search in short order.  The larger amount of the liquor was discovered in a "hide" in the barn.  This arrangement was similar to those seen in man stables and would ordinarily not arouse a great deal of suspicion.  There was a sort of shelf built onto one side and boxed in underneath.  Its appearance was as innocent as could be desired but the officers found one of the boards loose, although all were apparently securely nailed.  By removing this board a very neat hiding place was revealed and one big enough to accommodate a large supply of bottled stuff.
     Marshall Plaisted took one of the upper floors for his territory and noticed a door to one of the rooms had an unusually strong looking lock. The door had been reinforced about the lock until it would have been a difficult matter to force it.  The officers resolved to see what might be behind these precautions and was preparing to try his shoulder on the panels when a woman appeared and asked him if he wanted to enter the room.  The chief allowed that nothing would suit him better just then and was promptly given a key that fit the lock.  Some of the beer was found in this room.
     Ownership of the Hotel later went to his son William Bolduc the father to my Grandmother who married Norbert Rancourt my Grandfather

Daily News  created by Silvia Romeo  Kit can be found here

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